Summer Dean

Climate activist, eco-communicator, model

Summer Dean

Summer is a climate activist, writer, and eco-communicator. She is passionate about telling stories that work to rebuild our relationship with nature and each other. After receiving her degree in environmental studies, she worked with policy groups to help pass climate and renewable energy legislation in the Pacific Northwest.⁠

Before moving to Los Angeles, she wrote a report for a national project called SolarPlus to educate energy utilities on how to increase solar energy while centering community resiliency and environmental + social justice.

She is the creator of Climate For All, a website and platform that aims to empower those who aren’t deeply involved in the climate movement to take action in a personal way that makes sense for themselves and their community.

Summer also organizes with Sunrise Movement Los Angeles, a youth activist group working to get fossil fuel money out of politics and enact a Green New Deal.⁠

Follow her @climatediva

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