Ask the Collective is our signature question series featuring our favorite change-makers. These intimate questions illuminate the human side of these eco-goddesses.
This month's question is a glimpse into what these women's end-of-day rituals look like or what they reach for first thing in the morning. From minimal to maximal, spiritual to practical, we loved digging into their answers.
This month's question:
What's on your nightstand?
Jammy Ungab, @darlingoftheorient

I have an Aglaonema plant on my nightstand. It's taking over most of the space. Haha. I also put my coconut oil, reef safe sunscreen, Activist Collective products, ear plugs (chickens everywhere and some of my neighbors are loud), and phone. I don't have an alarm clock :)
Rachel Bare, @rachel_baree

My nightstand is minimal but the three things that I always have are my probiotics, glasses and a book. Right now you'll find Harry Potter as I am currently reading the series for the first time ever!
Tori Tsui, @toritsui_

As I’m on the go, the content of what’s within reach of my bed changes.
Phone chargers, bottles of water, wallets and passports have frequented the vicinity within arm’s reach. I’ve slept in bunk beds, double beds, on sofa beds, on the floor, in hammocks which rock with the ocean’s swell. So naturally, whatever is next to me depends on the environment I’m in.
Right now, I’m in a friend’s house in Cartagena. There’s a calendula salve next to me which I use to moisturize my tattoo (an ode to my journey across the Atlantic Ocean by sailboat). I can tell it’s going to be with me for a while. I’ve also gotten into the habit of journaling. It’s a great way to wind down before bed. I’ve been using it to process a lot of things at the moment. Especially with regard to personal health, often in relation to the climate crisis. So a journal has made its way to my nightstand.
Gia Chinchilla, @giachilla

I keep a glass of water with lemon so I can have a sip right when I wake up in the morning!
Liz Plascencia, @sustainablyliz

40 oz. Hydroflask full of ice water. I seriously think I was a marine mammal in a previous life. I love water and constantly need to stay hydrated.
Leah Thomas, @greengirlleah

My nightstand is a lot messier than I’d like to admit.
Currently I have raw shea butter, just in case I need to moisturize. Hair clips and scrunchies for when I need to tie my hair. Random stickers that make me smile, I don’t know where else to put them and I don’t want to forget about them! My favorite knick-knack is a pin that says “love is rad” with a wavy rainbow behind it, it reminds me to practice gratitude and channel those good feelings of love before bed and when I wake up. I also regularly have my precious oils active infusion there because I love putting it on after my shower in the morning and right before bed when I have a clean face.
Sara Tso, @matchboxkitchen

Before baby: lip balm, crystals to aid in restful sleep, a book, a small dish to hold jewelry so I don’t wear them to bed, and a glass of water. After baby: a sound machine and a humidifier, both to help her sleep well.
Johnie Gall, @dirtbagdarling

I keep some lavender essential oil, Burt’s Bees peppermint chapstick, and a stack of books on my nightstand. I tap the oil on my temples to relax, then dig into a story — currently I’m reading “Denali” by Ben Moon. I don’t keep my phone in my habit I’ve ever adopted.
Jhánneu Roberts, @jhanneu

I keep my phone, essential oil diffuser, and my passion planner on my nightstand. It can be easy to get addicted to your phone, so I turn it on not disturb and have my phone faced down. I turn on my essential oil diffuser and will write out the goals I would like to accomplish for the next day in my planner.
Meg Lazaros, @megmakeslesswaste

Water — I chug a glass as soon as I wake up. Phone — alarm. Book. Vitamins — I take them right before bed :)
Leia Marasovich, @leia_vita

On my nightstand (which was made by my housemate), I have a hefty stack of books and journals, one pen, three crystals, an incense tray, and a glass jug of water.
The books and journal are there in case I make time to read, draw, or write. The crystals hold aesthetic and spiritual power, while the incense invigorates my sensorial experience — I like me a good smell to connect to the etheric realms of nature. Water is a must before bed and first thing in the morning — stay hydrated, y'all!
Madison Oakley, @maddie_oakley

Water! I always have a glass of water nearby, the first thing I like to do in the morning is hydrate. Makes it easier for those mornings when I don't want to get out of bed just yet.
Asakemi, @asaakemi

I love my nightstand simple and clutter free. I actually use a basket as my nightstand, which helps me eliminate clutter. On top, I have a few books, journal and pens, a lamp, and an alarm (that I rarely use).